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NHS Orkney to host mass vaccination for residents aged 70-74

A programme of mass vaccination for Orkney Mainland residents aged 70-74 is to take place at The Balfour in Kirkwall, this weekend, NHS Orkney has announced, this afternoon, Tuesday.

The clinics for Mainland-registered residents in this age group will take place in appointment slots at the Outpatients department, this Saturday and Sunday, February 6 and 7.

Appointments are broken down alphabetically by surname as follows:

Saturday, February 6

Time If your surname begins with
09:00 A
09:30 B
10:15 C
11:00 D and E
11:30 F
12:00 G
13:30 H
14:00 I, J and K
14:45 L
15:15 M

Sunday, February 7

Time If your surname begins with
09:00 N and O
09:30 P and Q
10:00 R
10:45 S
12:45 T
13:30 U, V and W
14:15 X, Y and Z

NHS Orkney asks that individuals ONLY attend The Balfour at the allocated time slot relevant to your surname, in order to ensure social distancing.

There will be marshalls on site to assist with the flow of patients arriving, there will also be wheelchairs available for those who need.

NHSO expects that people attending will be able to make their own way to the vaccination venue. If you find that you have no way of getting to the venue then it may be possible to provide transport, but this is subject to availability and enquiries must be made in advance to rosalind.aitken@vaorkney.org.uk or 01856 872897. No bookings can be taken at the weekend.

If you have any queries, are unable to attend or are temporarily staying in Orkney please phone 0755 200 2516 from Wednesday, February 3.