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Ferries revert back to original drydock arrangements

Either the Hrossey or the Hjaltland will stand in for the Hamnavoe during her refit period.

With days to go before the start of NorthLink’s drydock period, Transport Scotland has confirmed that the original drydock arrangements for the three ferries will stand.

According to Transport Scotland, ” local feedback was in favour of the basic dry dock timetable, which is seen as adequate during periods of stable weather.”

OIC convener, Councillor Stephen Hagan, said: “Following our involvement in recent discussions with Shetland Islands Council and the Scottish Government, I am pleased that the result is a return to the drydock arrangements originally planned.

“The two councils made it plain that we considered it to be the Scottish Government’s responsibility to ensure our lifeline ferry service are affected by the least possible disruption during the refit period.

“In Orkney, we stood firm against the chartering of the Hebridean Isles to stand in on the Pentland Firth while the NorthLink ferry Hamnavoe is in drydock. From past experience, we were concerned that it would be unable to operate a reliable service in the adverse weather conditions we can expect at this time of the year.

“Under the original arrangements, confirmed today by Transport Scotland, one of the two NorthLink ferries that operate between Aberdeen, Kirkwall and Lerwick will now stand in for the Hamnavoe – a decision that will be welcomed throughout our community.”