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‘Now is the time for a general election’, says Carmichael

Now that Prime Minister Liz Truss has resigned the leadership of the Conservative Party, the time is right for a general election, according to Orkney and Shetland’s MP.

Following the news, Alistair Carmichael has said that the Conservatives have “lost all remaining credibility” when it comes to the economy, government competence, and “basic common sense.”

“There is no point in limping on any longer – frankly the whole party needs a lie down,” he said.

“Whoever the next Conservative leader may be, the public are sick of their melodrama and constant infighting. The better part of a year has been derailed by first Boris Johnson and then Liz Truss’ incompetence and misrule – people and business need some sense of stability. We don’t need another Conservative Prime Minister lurching from crisis to crisis. Now is the time for a general election to get the Tories out of power.”

Mr Carmichael added: “It is also a reason to look at more fundamental reform. Our current disproportionate voting system is supposed to deliver stable, competent government and it cannot do that. Distorted democracy breeds contempt and entitlement – as we have seen to our cost with this self-absorbed government. We need electoral reform so that people can get the real representation that they vote for.”