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OIC agrees new five-year plan

Orkney Island Council has agreed a new five-year plan.

Orkney Islands Council (OIC) will focus on growing the economy, strengthening its communities and developing infrastructure over the next five years.

This strategy was confirmed on Tuesday as the council agreed a new five-year plan.

The Council Plan 2023 – 2028 sets out the key priorities for OIC over the next five years as well as the actions and projects that will need to be completed to meet those.

The priorities were developed following feedback from the public. The plan also reflects national priorities set by both the Scottish and UK Governments, the core services which the council provides day-to-day, and new duties arising from recent legislation.

A consultation was carried out at the end of last year on the draft version of the plan. The majority of respondents thought the priorities that had been identified were the correct ones — although feedback suggested at that time that more clarity was needed on the performance indicators being used, so that they could better show that the council was making a difference through its actions.

Progress on the final plan will now be reported to councillors every six months, with the actions attached to each priority subject to review depending on the changing political and financial landscapes affecting the work and resources of OIC.

 “Putting together this important document has been a key focus of this Council since the elections in May last year,” said OIC leader, Councillor James Stockan.

“The views of elected members — and in turn local people — sit at the heart of this document.

“I believe that it will give a significant ‘direction of travel’ to this organisation over the next five years, ensuring that we direct our resources to the things that matter most to our communities.

“The financial challenges that we will face in the coming years are huge.  As a result there will be resource constraints and difficult decisions to make  – but the exploration of strategic projects to optimise income streams for the future will provide some balance to this. ”

OIC chief executive Oliver Reid added: “Having only recently joined the organisation I have been hugely impressed by the talent, energy, drive and wholehearted commitment to our communities that exists within our organisation.

“The new Council Plan exemplifies all of that and I look forward to leading our staff in working through the delivery plan, reviewing our progress with the elected members as we go.”

You can find out more about the plan on  https://www.orkney.gov.uk/council-meetings.htm?postid=6999&postdiaryentryid=15350