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OIC housing consultation reminder

Orkney Islands Council’s has reminded the public that its consultation on potential changes to its Council house letting policy closes this Sunday.

Frances Troup, OIC head of housing, homelessness and schoolcare accommodation services, said: “We’d urge tenants and anyone on the waiting list to give us feedback on the current policy and the potential changes, so we have a policy that both meets new legislation and best reflects local needs.”

Areas covered by the survey include the way Council properties are allocated and the potential for applicants to have more choice in the type of property they would like.

Feedback about the policy can be given via an online survey available on the Council website – https://www.orkney.gov.uk/Council/C/lettings-policy-consultation.htm

Paper copies of the survey can be requested by contacting OIC’s Housing Service on 01856873535 extension 2170 or by emailing housing@orkney.gov.uk.

The consultation closes on Sunday, October 13. The results will be reported to elected members, who will consider changes to the current lettings policy.

OIC held two public consultation events in September. The council would like to thank those who have contributed to the consultation.