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OIC seeks public views on partnership working

A consultation gets under way today which aims to help shape the future of partnership working in Orkney.

Orkney Community Planning Partnership (CPP) is seeking views on its draft Community Plan for 2015 -18, which incorporates a Local Outcomes Improvement Plan for Orkney. This describes what the CPP aims to achieve by working together, over and above what could be achieved by organisations working individually.

It also outlines the CPP’s priorities for action and how these have been selected.  According to the partnership, the three main outcomes it hopes to achieve are: that people in Orkney enjoy long and active lives; that Orkney has a vibrant economic environment and that Orkney’s communities are healthy and sustainable.

The draft plan and questionnaire are available here and can be completed online.

Printed copies are available at OIC customer services in Kirkwall, the Warehouse Buildings in Stromness, the Orkney Library and the mobile library.