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OIC take extra steps to support the most vulnerable

Orkney Islands Council is in the process of putting in place plans designed to further protect vulnerable members of the local community against the coronavirus crisis.

The Scottish Government, on Sunday afternoon, requested all local authorities take extra steps to support those most at risk of contracting the virus, which ten people have died from in Scotland and 281 across the UK.

John Mundell, interim chief executive for Orkney Islands Council, said: “Like all councils, we have emergency plans and business continuity plans and these are now up and running.

“But in recognition of these extraordinary times, we are now working on what extra steps we must take to provide support to those who have now been instructed to self-isolate because of their medical condition.

“We will have more information on how to access this additional support very shortly, and individual contact will also be made with anyone who is affected.”

Mr Mundell also welcomed the travel restrictions now in place on NorthLink Ferries and Pentland Ferries.

He had contacted the Scottish Government and raised the issue of halting all non-essential travel to Orkney.

Mr Mundell added: “I am very pleased to see that swift action has been taken.”