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OIOF welcomes recommendations on new powers for Scotland

The leaders of the Our Islands Our Future (OIOF) campaign — which is seeking greater decision-making powers for island communities — are welcoming the recommendations outlined in today’s devolution committee report to the Scottish Government.

On the future of the Crown Estate, the report concludes: “Once the powers over the Crown Estate have been transferred, the committee recommends the early implementation of the Smith Commission recommendation that — responsibility of the management of the Crown Estate assets in Scotland should be devolved further to local authorities such as Orkney, Shetland, Na h-Eilean Siar or other areas who seek such responsibilities.

“These are matters where discussions should, in our view, continue to progress as a matter of urgency and we endorse the work of the Scottish Government and the Our Islands Our Future initiative to reach an amicable agreement that suits local circumstances.”

Gary Robinson, leader of Shetland Islands Council, said: “While there is obviously some way to go around negotiations between the UK and Scottish Governments on future devolution of powers, we’re extremely pleased with the support shown for our aims by this cross-party committee.

“There are several aspects of the report we welcome — including a commitment to devolve air passenger duty — but devolution of the revenues and management of the Crown Estate to the islands has been one of the key pieces of work OIOF has pursued, and it clearly has the support of both governments.

“We look forward now to working with them to put these changes in place as soon as possible.”