One of the ‘most remarkable decorated stones’ from the Ness of Brodgar

What has been described as “one of the most remarkable decorated stones” to have been found at the Ness of Brodgar site was recovered today.
The stone was discovered last week during digging operations inside the Neolithic complex’s Structure Eight. However, because it was at the bottom of a section of walling, the stones above it had to be removed to allow its safe recovery today.
The stone, which features decorative motifs that have been found at the Ness — and at other Neolithic sites in Orkney and across the British Isles — before is particularly similar,  but far superior, to a stone removed from Structure Eight in 2009, and another removed in 1925.
To date, the Ness of Brodgar excavation site has yielded over 700 examples of Neolithic art.
For more details of today’s find, click here.