Online resource gives parents new insight into maths classroom

Maths pupils at Kirkwall Grammar School can now bring their classroom home with them, thanks to the launch of a new online service.
Mr Johnston’s Mathsroom is a resource set up by teacher Chris Johnston, which allows pupils to access their classwork, homework and revision exercises online. A news feed facility is also available for parents – including alerts sent directly to their email account to let them know that their son or daughter has homework.
Parents can also log on to see what areas of the subject are being studied and also view some of the work that the class has produced.
Mr Johnston explained: “The aim is to demystify the classroom and allow parents to see what their child is doing while at school. Homework is a big question at every parent’s evening so I started there and parents can now subscribe to the RSS feed and get alerts as soon as I post anything new.”
The project is currently in pilot form and only used for selected classes.