Sunday, March 16
  • Kirkwall
  • Kirkwall Airport
  • Stromness
  • North Ronaldsay
  • South Ronaldsay
Cloudy Icon
Chance of rain icon5%
Wind speed icon11 mph
Wind direction iconNNE
Wind gusts icon20 mph
w-partly-cloudy-day Icon7°CMon
w-clear-day Icon8°CTue
w-partly-cloudy-day Icon8°CWed
w-cloudy Icon8°CThu

Cruise Arrivals


Orkney shows support for the Armed Forces

The Armed Fprces Day flag being raised outside the TA Centre in Kirkwall. (Picture: The Orcadian)
The Armed Forces Day flag being raised outside the TA Centre in Kirkwall.
(Picture: The Orcadian)

The first formal event in the lead up to the Armed Forces Day celebrations in Orkney took place at the TA Centre in Kirkwall this morning, Monday, when the Armed Forces Day flag was raised in front of the building.

Armed Forces Day is now an annual event, held each June, providing the nation with a dedicated day when people can come together to show their appreciation and support of the Armed Forces. The flag was hoisted by WO2 Steve Waterman, who is based at Orkney’s only Territorial Army unit, 10 (ORKNEY) Field Troop Royal Engineers (V).

Present for the ceremony were Vice – Lord Lieutenant of Orkney Bill Spence, and Vice- Convener of Orkney Islands Council Jim Foubister, along with a delegation from the Royal British Legion who joined local TA members. Lynn Wilson from Kirkwall City Pipe Band also played during the short ceremony.

The main event making Armed Forces Day — a parade through the centre of Kirkwall, — will take place on Saturday, starting at 1pm, between the Legion and the Kirk Green.

Local uniformed organisations will also take part in the event, and there will also be various stands set up on the Kirk Green promoting those organisations, which includes youth groups.

Then, on Sunday, a sponsored 40 mile cycle between Kirkwall and Stromness and back will take place, setting off from the Kirk Green at 11am. Funds raised through sponsorship for the event will be donated to the Help For Heroes charity.

To sponsor a cycle event member, please click on their name on the website and follow the donate link.