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Orkney Sports Awards make comeback

The most prestigious awards in Orkney sport have returned, as the search to crown the county’s most outstanding athlete of the last year gets under way.

The Orkney Sports Awards, sponsored by The Orcadian and organised by Orkney Islands Council’s Active Schools team, celebrate and recognise the county’s vast sporting achievement and success over the past year.

Nominations can now be made, with the Orkney public being urged to get their vote in for the nine categories as soon as possible.

The deadline for nominations shuts at midnight on Sunday, November 21.

The Orcadian is running nomination forms, which can be sent to the Active Schools team, while votes can also be made online and on social media.

The awards night will take place on Friday, January 21, 2022, at the KGS.

One of the organisers, Catherine Johnson, said: “While it was a huge disappointment  to have to cancel last year, given the situation we were in and the huge impact the pandemic had on sport actually taking place, it was the correct decision.

“This year, with the continuing success of the vaccine roll-out and the excellent work carried out by all folk in the community, we feel we are in a position that the Orkney Sports Awards can return.

“However, we are not and will not take any unnecessary risks. We will continue to monitor the situation and follow guidance from the Scottish Government, NHS Orkney and Orkney Islands Council in the run-up to the awards ceremony.

“Celebrating and recognising achievement and success is essential, and Orkney has an abundance of deserving athletes, teams, officials, coaches and volunteers who deserve to see their names and achievements highlighted on a grand stage.

“I urge the Orkney public to do as they’ve always done with these awards and support them by submitting the names of those people they believe are deserving of recognition.”