Orkney Swimming Club needs your votes…

Orkney Amateur Swimming Club is currently in the running for the Co-op Big Community Vote, which, if successful, will provide £2,000 for club equipment.
Additional funding will be required for the one-off purchase of essential club equipment for the new six-lane pool in Kirkwall, e.g. a laptop and software to interface with automatic timing equipment, stopwatches for competitions, and other items such as swimmers’ benches, notice boards and display cabinets for both the new pool in Kirkwall and the existing facility in Stromness.
Orkney ASC is one of five organisations in the Highland and Islands that are competing for a share of the Co-operative Group’s £80,000 Big Community Vote scheme.
To vote, go to http://bigcommunityvote.co-operative.coop/vote/ and enter your postcode and Co-op card number.
Voting closes on July 31.