Orkney’s new parents to receive ‘Baby Boxes’

New parents in Orkney are set to pilot the new “Baby Box” scheme.
The “Baby Box”, being carried forward by the Scottish Government, will give a boxful of baby essentials to every new parent.
The idea was introduced in Finland 80 years ago to tackle cot death at a time when 10 per cent of children died before reaching their first birthday. Today the rate is 0.2 per cent, one of the lowest in the world. The UK rate is 0.4 per cent.
It has been confirmed that the pilot will begin on New Year’s Day 2017, with Clackmannanshire being the only other pilot area.
Orkney MSP Liam McArthur welcomed the news. He said: “These boxes have been proven to cut infant mortality rates around the world, which is why Liberal Democrats were the first party to commit to distributing them to expectant parents.
“I am delighted, therefore, that the Scottish Government is taking forward this idea, and all the more so given that parents in Orkney will be among the first in the country to receive one. I believe they have the potential to provide wider benefits for the early development of babies.
“It will be interesting to hear the feedback from this pilot phase and, in particular, whether or not there are specific issues that need to be borne in mind for the roll out in rural and island areas”.