Pelamis reaction by MSP

Orkney MSP Liam McArthur has expressed his disappointment at the news that the wave power technology firm Pelamis, which tests the wave energy device at the European Marine Energy Centre, in Orkney, is calling in administrators after failing to secure development funding.
Mr McArthur said: “This is obviously extremely disappointing news, and a real blow for those directly affected. Pelamis has been in the vanguard of marine renewables for many years, which makes this announcement all the more concerning.
“I understand that the trigger for the company calling in the administrators has been the withdrawal by the Scottish Government of a loan facility. If that is the case, I would hope that the decision could be put on hold to allow further consideration of all the options. This is something I will be pursuing with Scottish Ministers.
“As well as the jobs at Pelamis, there will be knock-on implications for businesses within the wider sector and economy in Orkney. That is why we need to ensure that every possible avenue is explored before final decisions are taken.”