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People in Orkney urged to apply to new Suicide Prevention Panel

The Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH) is inviting Orcadians with lived experience of suicide to apply to take part in a new National Suicide Prevention: Lived Experience Panel.

The Lived Experience Panel will provide an important platform for people with lived experience of suicide to share their valuable insights and experiences by working alongside member of the Scottish Government’s National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group.

Those who have previously attempted suicide, experienced suicidal thoughts, or have lost a loved one to suicide are encouraged to apply to be on the panel.

Billy Watson, Chief Executive of SAMH said: “SAMH has a long history of supporting people and families affected by suicide. We’ve campaigned vigorously to ensure anyone affected by suicide can get effective support now and in the future, and we believe that services which are shaped by the people who use them will deliver the best results.

“That’s why we’re so pleased to be supporting the development of a Lived Experience Panel. It’s a great opportunity for people who want to help make a difference to thousands of people’s lives.

“The panel should be a true representation of our society, so I encourage those from all backgrounds to join us and help make a difference that we can all be proud of.”

To find out more about the role and to apply, click here.