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Pick up … or pay out

An increasing number of complaints about dog fouling has led Orkney Islands Council to remind owners to clear up after their pets.

The council’s Environmental Health team is warning owners who fail to pick up, and bin, dog mess risk paying up to £60 if served with a Fixed Penalty Notice.

Environmental Health manager David Brown said: “People, quite rightly, find it offensive when owners leave dog mess on our streets and in other public places.

“The vast majority of dog owners are responsible, but there is a minority who still fail to clean up after their pets – and we’re getting more and more complaints about this.

“It is every dog owner’s responsibility to clear up after their pet and put the bagged mess in a bin. If they don’t, I would urge people to either report dog fouling if they see it happening, or perhaps approach dog owners caught in the act and politely ask them to pick up.

“Dog walkers should always go out prepared and are not exempt from the law because they are not carrying bags.”

When a dog leaves mess in any public open space, the owner is required by law to bag and bin it.

Those who do not clear up face a charge of £60 if served with a Fixed Penalty Notice. If paid within 28 days this is reduced to £40.

To report instances of dog-fouling, contact Environmental Health at Orkney Islands Council on 873535 or email at env.health@orkney.gov.uk. Please title your email Dog Fouling and include as much detail regarding the incident as possible, such as:

  • If known, the name and address of the person in charge of the dog.
  • A description of the dog.
  • Details of the date, time and location of the offence.
  • Registration number if there is a vehicle involved.

Free dog bags are available from various outlets including OIC customer services in Kirkwall and the Warehouse Buildings in Stromness. The council has dog waste and litter bins situated throughout the county where bags can be deposited.