• Kirkwall
  • Kirkwall Airport
  • Stromness
  • North Ronaldsay
  • South Ronaldsay

Cruise Arrivals


Picky premiere for charity DVD

The premiere of Orkney’s version of Come Dine With Me, takes place at the New Phoenix Cinema today, from noon until 2pm.

The fundraising DVD — Come Ower Fir Dinner — stars  procurator fiscal Sue Foard, vet and MP’s wife Kate Carmichael, potter Andrew Appleby, and farmer Malcolm Macrae, with Orkney NHS chairman and Living Orkney editor John Ross Scott adding spice as the Gatecrasher.

Orders for the film — the largest project undertaken by the Orkney Movie Group — at £10, will be taken after the first showing, and thereafter at Tesco, Grooves and the Red Cross shops in Kirkwall and Stromness.

Proceeds will help support the Red Cross in its new venture – the provision of a fully disabled-friendly guest house in Kirkwall, complementing its current busy facility in Victoria Street – with a proportion also going to help Orkney Movie Group purchase new equipment.