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Placemaking funding due to be discussed

Placemaking in Kirkwall Town Centre is back on the Orkney Islands Council agenda this week, with councillors due to discuss the funding of the controversial scheme at a meeting on Wednesday.

Members of the policy and resources committee are set to consider funding for ‘public realm improvements’ in Broad Street, which according to council papers, is a key project to create a more pedestrian and cycle friendly environment between Albert Street and Victoria Street.

Council officials are recommending that the funding of the £1.3 million scheme be approved and progressed, and included in the next stage of the OIC capital programme.

The OIC says that detailed plans are currently being drawn up as part of the scheme. Following consultation, these proposals will then be presented to the development and infrastructure committee in June for consideration.

Earlier this year however, proposed placemaking plans for Kirkwall were slammed at Kirkwall & St Ola Community Council, with some members, and others present, voicing their concerns over the issue.