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PM tells nation not to leave homes except for ‘essential’ purposes

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has ordered all residents of the UK to stay at home at all times, except for a “very limited” number of purposes.

This will take immediate effect from tonight, Monday, March 23.

From this point onwards, you may only leave your home for these purposes:

  • One form of exercise a day — alone or only with members of your household
  • Shopping for food and other essentials — as infrequently as possible
  • For any medical need, whether that is to provide or seek care
  • To work (if absolutely necessary)

This is the latest in the Government’s efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus.

The Prime Minister has urged everyone to follow this strict guidance.

“Without a huge national effort to halt the growth of this virus, there will come a point where no healthcare service in the world could possibly cope,” Mr Johnson warned, as he instructed everyone to refuse visits from family and friends.

The nation has also been advised that all shops which are not supplying essential goods such as food must close. Public gatherings, including those of more than two people have been banned for the time-being.

Weddings and baptisms will not be allowed to take place, though families are still able to hold funerals.

The Prime Minister indicated that these measures would be in place for at least three weeks, and that they can and will be enforced by the police service.

“No Prime Minister wants to announce measures like these,” he added.

“I can assure you we will keep these restrictions under review. We will look again in three weeks and relax them if we can.”

Following Mr Johnson’s address to the nation, this evening, Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “These measures are essential for the protection of all of us.”