Police Scotland embark on islands recruitment drive

As Police Scotland host an online session for prospective new officers, the head of police here in Orkney believes high-profile TV programmes such as Highland Cops can act as a valuable recruitment tool.
The profile of policing across the Highlands and Islands has been boosted by the BBC documentary series, which covers police teams across the 12,000 square mile region, making it Britain’s biggest beat.
Chief Inspector Scott Robertson, Orkney’s area commander for two years, believes the spin-off benefits of the popular TV series, in which Orkney has featured, can only be positive thing in enticing new blood to the profession.
Read more from CI Robertson in The Orcadian.
- Police Scotland is hosting an online information session for those interested in becoming a police officer in the Highlands and Islands. The event takes place on Monday, January 27, from 6.30pm to 8pm on Microsoft Teams. Those interested in attending this event can sign up here.