• Kirkwall
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Cruise Arrivals


Power cut causing council phone problems

OIC1Following last night’s power cuts, Orkney Islands Council is experiencing problems with its phone system.

Calls to the council are getting through, but callers may face some delays.

The council apologies for any inconvenience caused and would like to thank callers for their patience.

Meanwhile, an earlier problem with the council switchboard means that an out of office recorded message with contact information will not be available overnight or at the weekend.

Out of hours, and for urgent business only, you should use the following numbers:

• For roads, street lighting, footway defects and weather related problems, phone 876338.

• For emergency repairs to council owned housing and other council owned properties, phone 873430.

• For Orkney Health and Care, contact the Balfour Hospital on 888000.

• Should you become homeless, please phone a pager on 07699 705527.  If the pager is unavailable, you should phone 07921 582962.