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Reduced drink driving limit highlighted by local police

With the new reduced drink driving limit now in effect across Scotland, police in Orkney are urging drivers to plan their journey ahead or to take the safest approach — don’t drink and drive.

On November 18, the Scottish Parliament unanimously voted to lower the legal alcohol limit for driving from 80mg to 50mg in every 100ml of blood.

The new legislation came into effect today, Friday, and coincides with a national festive drink driving campaign.

Temporary Sergeant Doug Murray, from Kirkwall Police Station, said: “The legal alcohol limit for drivers has been reduced considerably so what was acceptable before might not be acceptable now.

“We would ask members of the public who are heading out over the Christmas and New Year period to bear this in mind. Our message is that the safest approach is not to drink and drive at all, and we would also like to remind drivers they may still be over the limit the morning after a night out.”

Sgt Murray added: “With the festive drink driving campaign starting today, and running to January 2, the public can also expect to see an increased police presence on the roads.

“While we will be looking to enforce the new legislation, our aim is also to educate the public and discourage people from driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

“It’s about keeping people safe from the serious impact drink driving can have on lives, and the harm it can cause.”