Rescheduled car seat safety clinic in Kirkwall

The Good Egg car seat clinic, aimed at raising awareness about the dangers to children of inappropriate, or incorrectly fitted, child car seats is visiting Kirkwall on Wednesday.
As part of the OIC-supported child safety campaign, people can visit the clinic in the Tesco car park, Kirkwall, to have their child car seats checked for free by an expert.
Last year, 71 per cent of child car seats checked at clinics around the UK were found to be not safely fitted or incompatible to the child or vehicle.
Councillor Andrew Drever, chairman of the Orkney Road Safety Forum, said: “The visit in Orkney had to be cancelled earlier this year, but I would urge anyone with responsibility for carrying children in a vehicle to come along to this rescheduled clinic, learn about the dangers to young children of incorrectly fitted or inappropriate child car seats, and, vitally, reduce the risk of serious injury to the young people in their care.”