Reward for Orkney’s Fairtrade efforts

Orkney’s status as a Fairtrade Zone has been secured for another two years.
This was announced by the Fairtrade Foundation, which has congratulated those involved in achieving the renewal of zone status until 2017.
Fairtrade Zone accreditation was first awarded to the islands last year, in response to a campaign led by the Orkney Fair Trade Group, with the backing of Orkney Islands Council.
Since then efforts have continued across the county to promote both locally produced food and fairly traded goods from overseas. The renewal of the accreditation is in recognition of the time and energy put in by the local steering group, as well as many individuals and organisations, in promoting the principles of Fairtrade.
Fairtrade helps small-scale farmers ensure they earn stable incomes and have long-term contracts with companies. In addition, they earn the Fairtrade Premium, which they invest in projects that benefit their business or community.