Road closures in Kirkwall

Road users in Kirkwall are being advised of some road traffic management to enable Scottish Water to carry out important repair work on manholes.
Work is to be carried out for Scottish Water by local contractors D.S. Nicolson in the Union Street-Junction Road area of the town from Monday, January 8, until Monday, January 15.
Union Street will be closed and there will be no access from Junction Street to Union Street. There will only be access to Union Street via Victoria Street and The Clay Loan at the junction with Main Street.
HGVs and buses entering Kirkwall from East Mainland will be diverted down Holm Branch Road. Cars and light vehicles will be diverted via Laverock Road to Pipersquoy Road back to Junction Road and via Main Street to Junction Road
There will also be two-way traffic lights in operation on Junction Road near the junction with Union Street.
The second road closure, again from January 8-15, will be a stretch of Watson Drive from the A960 to the junction with Mackenzie Drive. There will be no access to Watson Drive from the A960. A diversion via Lynn Road and Mackenzie Drive, will be in operation.
Scottish Water apologises to road users for any inconvenience during the road traffic management and thanks them in advance for their patience and understanding.