Orkney fundraiser on Role Model shortlist

Orkney fundraiser, Emily Findlay, 20, has been shortlisted for the lingerie company Panache’s, Modelled by Role Models campaign.
Panache invited their customers to nominate who they consider to be their role model – this could be an ordinary woman who does extraordinary things, a local heroine, or a celebrity whose work inspires them.
Emily said: “It was a huge surprise to be nominated. Especially when I saw who were Role Models last year, but is a really worthwhile campaign and I’m happy to have reached this far.”
Voting began on April 18 and is open until April 29, and members of the public will join a Panache judging panel to find a final six role models, who will take part in a Panache photoshoot.
Emily has a rare form or cancer – Neuroblastoma – which was diagnosed when she was 14. As a result of medical treatment Emily has been left with numerous scars on her body, but she won’t let that stop her being photographed.
“I have scars and lots of stretch marks and I’m not really bothered by them. But I know some folk can be very self-conscious about that kind of thing, so if seeing mine can help people feel better about their bodies, that’s a good thing.
To vote for Emily, and find out more information about the campaign, visit www.modelledbyrolemodels.com