Rowers to leave boat in Faroe for winter

The team of Icelandic rowers who left Kirkwall for Faroe, having rowed to Orkney across the North Sea, have decided to winter the boat in Faroe, and leave the next leg of their journey until next year.
The team said that they have not been blessed with favourable weather for their last leg to Iceland since arriving in Faroe in the beginning of August.
The crew said: “We have decided to winter over in Faroe just like the Vikings did in the old days. Our boat will be stored in Tórshavn awaiting more adventures next year.
“We are very proud of our achievement so far being the first rowers to cross the North Sea from Norway to Orkney and also the first to row from Orkney to Faroe.
“So far we have already rowed 70% of the way. Right now we will just have to accept the fact that we can‘t beat the storms in the North Atlantic. Hopefully next year will give us more settled weather.”