RSPB restructure in Hoy sparks outrage

The Hoy community has been left “stunned and horrified” at a decision by the RSPB to cut the role of the island’s wildlife reserve warden.
Last week the RSPB announced, as part of a restructuring of its Orkney nature reserve team, that the post on Hoy would be reduced from a full-time post to part-time.
The move has prompted anger from islanders and a petition calling on the RSPB to reverse the decision has gathered over 200 signatures.
The RSPB reserve in Hoy is the organisation’s largest in Orkney and is home to an impressive range of wildlife, including sea eagles.
A public meeting has been scheduled on the island to provide information on the reasons for the restructure and the RSPB said it remains committed to the island community and the management of the nature reserve.
Read more in The Orcadian this week.