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Sanday and the stories of the B-98 and U-70

The remains of the B-98, in the Bay of Lopness, Sanday. (Roderick Thorne)
The remains of the B-98, in the Bay of Lopness, Sanday. (Roderick Thorne)

Sanday is playing host to a series of events tomorrow, Saturday, to commemorate the Battle of Jutland.

The centenary of the battle provides another chance to remember two German boats — the U-70 and the B-98 — both of which made landfall on the island in unexpected and extraordinary circumstances.

The Heritage Centre features a special display; a lunch-time talk will be given by Angus Konstam, author of the newly-published Jutland 1916; and retired Rear Admiral Heinrich Schuur, the grandson of the B-98’s flotilla commander, will be travelling from Germany to talk about his grandfather’s naval career and to unveil a new Interpretation Panel at the beach above the remains of the B-98.