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Scottish Government instigated ADS changes, claims MSP

Changes to the Air Discount Scheme look set to be discussed at the Scottish Parliament, in the hope that businesses and other sectors can once again benefit from cheaper flights.

Highlands & Islands MSP, David Stewart, has tabled a motion in the Scottish Parliament calling on the Scottish Government to overturn its decision to withdraw the business, public sector and third sector element from the scheme.

According to Mr Stewart, the Government claimed these elements of the scheme were withdrawn following demands from the European Commission however he says that he received information via a Freedom of Information request which shows that it was the Scottish Government who initiated the approach to Europe to cut business, public and third sectors out of the ADS.

He said: “It is clear from the response I received to my FOI request that the Scottish Government has not been honest with the people of the Highlands & Islands. It was them, not Europe, who initiated the withdrawal of these elements from the scheme with the reported savings to Government estimated to be just £2.7m per year.

“This is a drop in the ocean in the Government’s budget and is a pure and simple cost-cutting exercise. This exercise however will have a seriously detrimental effect on some of our remote Highlands & Islands communities.”

Mr Stewart continued: “I will continue to press this government to overturn this ill-judged and damaging decision.”