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Scottish Government to hold cabinet meeting in Orkney

The Scottish Government have announced they will be holding a cabinet meeting in Orkney later this year.

Ministers agreed on Tuesday to visit the county on August 28 and 29, as part of their fifth consecutive year of summer cabinet programmes outside Edinburgh.

In addition to the formal meetings, the cabinet will hold an open meeting where ministers will be on hand to answer questions on any aspect of the Scottish Government’s work.

The announcement has been welcomed by the OIC convener, Councillor Steven Heddle.

“I am delighted that Orkney will host one of only three meetings of the cabinet outside the capital this summer,” he said.

“It is particularly welcome that in addition to the formal cabinet meeting, there is an opportunity for people from throughout our community to ask questions and share their views with government ministers. We will be encouraging as many people as possible to take part in this special session for the Orkney public.”