Stromness Primary roof work to start this week

Work is due to start this week on replacing the slates on the roof of Stromness Primary School.
Scaffolding will go up on Saturday, May 28, with the work starting on June 6.
Since the school opened in January 2013, a number of slates have broken and fallen from the roof during winter gales.
The OIC has been in regular contact with the building contractor, Morrison Construction, and the company with the contract to maintain the school, Galliford Try FM. Netting was put in place to prevent further slates from falling from the roof in September 2015.
Peter Diamond, OIC’s head of schools, said: “The loss of slates from the roof was clearly not an acceptable situation.
“It was agreed with the contractor that we replace the current slates with Welsh slate, which have been widely used in Orkney and should prevent further problems occurring for many years to come.
“We’re pleased that the work is due to go under way and we’ll ensure that disruption to pupils and parents is kept to a minimum.”