A summer of viking-themed events secures Lottery funding

The Rousay Heritage Trust has been awarded £7,800 from the Heritage Lottery Fund to run a series of archaeological events this summer.
Land and Sea – Exploring Island Heritage, Past and Present will centre on the archaeological excavations at Swandro and Skaill and, in particular, the viking and Norse periods.
It will culminate in the launch of a free booklet for residents containing information about the islands, their heritage and archaeology and the results from the summer’s activities.
Earlier this week, a project focusing on Stromness’s many piers secured £9,700 lottery funding.
Listening to the piers — Exploring the history of Stromness through the town piers will give folk the chance to learn about life on and around the town’s stone-built piers, past and present, with local schoolchildren recording stories, memories and the history of the piers.