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Team Stromness scheme nominated for national planning award

The Warehouse Buildings in Stromness.

Orkney Islands Council’s Team Stromness scheme – a regeneration effort spanning the last ten years – has been shortlisted in this year’s Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning.

The scheme has been nominated for the ‘Process’ category, and will be up against six other projects from across Scotland.

‘Team Stromness’ featured a council-wide task force to coordinate several regeneration projects within the centre of the town, including repaving the main street in Stromness in local stone, the construction of the Warehouse Building, Paving and redevelopment of the wider pierhead area

The scheme also saw grants for private householders and businesses to help traditional repairs and refurbishment as well as redevelopment by the Council of the Commercial Hotel through the Stromness THI.

Leader of Orkney Islands Council, James Stockan, said: “This shortlisting is a reflection of the concerted and coordinated effort to bring about rejuvenation and regeneration in our much-loved town – in a way which builds on the history and spirit of Stromness as a thriving economic and cultural hub.

“We are now seeing exciting further investment in Stromness, such as the multi-million pound Orkney Research and Innovation Campus project.

“All this taken alongside a new primary school, care home, and commercial pier at Coplands Dock, Stromness is now firmly on the map as a premier place to live, work, and do business.”

A team from the Council will present their case to a panel of judges in Edinburgh in September, with winners expected to be announced in November. The Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning are one of the Government’s most prestigious awards.

Votes can also be cast by members of the public, for the Team Stromness project to receive the ‘People’s Choice’ award, here.