
Cruise Arrivals


The Balfour to host Falls Awareness events

Next week, NHS Orkney is promoting Falls Awareness Week with a series of events arranged by the physiotherapy team.

The aim will be to inform and support the community in reducing the risk of falls.

The physiotherapy team firmly believes that falling is not an inevitable part of ageing, and there are lots of things that we can do to reduce our risk and maximise our health as we grow older.

The national theme this year for falls awareness is focussed on increasing activity levels. According to NHS Orkney, achieving an increase in activity by just 10 per cent, could potentially save more than 4,500 older adults from having a fall.

Throughout the week, there will be information available in the main atrium at the entrance to The Balfour and staff present from 10.30am – 11.30am on Tuesday 25 and Friday 28 October.

As part of the information events, staff will also be carrying out walking aid checks, and strength and balance sessions.

On Tuesday, a walking aid check, fire safety information and strength and balance exercise advice will be available for everyone at The Balfour between 10.30am–11.30am.

On Friday, staff from Orkney Health and Care will be on hand 10.30-11.30am at the hospital to give assistance on keeping safe at home, including information on telecare.

“Falls prevention is everyone’s business, and prevention is better than cure,” said Shauna Stockan, a physiotherapist at NHS Orkney.

“We are never too young or too old to make small and simple changes that can impact our health and wellbeing to help ensure we remain strong and steady in our older years. We’d really encourage everyone to come along to the sessions on Tuesday and Friday.”

For advice and information about Orkney’s Falls Prevention Service, you can contact the Ageing Well Team by calling; 01856 888212 or emailing: ORK.physio@nhs.scot

Additional information on preventing falls is available on NHS Inform — https://www.nhsinform.scot/healthy-living/preventing-falls.