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Time is running out to secure your vote

Folk in Orkney are being reminded to make sure they have secured their right to vote in the Local Government elections on May 3.

Registering to vote only takes a few minutes — print off a form from http://www.aboutmyvote.co.uk/ — or phone the local Electoral Registration Office on 876222.

Dennis Stevenson, assistant electoral registration officer for Orkney, said: “The Electoral Registration Office will have sent you a canvass form in autumn last year, but if you are not sure you returned it, or if you have moved house since then and have not registered with your new details, please contact us now.

“Don’t let anything stop you having your say on election day.”

The deadline to register to vote, or to apply for a postal vote, is Wednesday, April 18. The cut off date to apply for a proxy vote is April 25.