Time running out for Youth Parliament nominations

Time is running out for anyone hoping to stand in the next year’s Scottish Youth Parliament elections.
Nominations close on Monday, October 31.
The Scottish Youth Parliament is the democratically elected voice of Scotland’s young people.
Being part of the Scottish Youth Parliament (SYP) gives young people the opportunity to represent the views of other young people in their area and advocate for the issues that matter to them.
Two members of the SYP are elected from every parliamentary constituency in Scotland, as well as two members from various partnering national organisations.
Young people aged 14 – 25 who either live, work or study in Scotland are eligible to stand for election.
Jack Norquoy, is one of Orkney’s current MSYPs.
He said: “I’ve just returned from a fantastic weekend in Inverclyde at the 61st National Sitting of the Scottish Youth Parliament, a busy weekend of members motions, committee sessions, consultation workshops on Brexit and education attainment, Speak Your Mind campaign work and so much more!
“I always feel incredibly proud to hear from MSYPs at each Sitting about the fantastic work they are doing in communities across Scotland. Youth Work really does change lives.”
Ernie Skea, OIC community learning officer, is the support worker for Orkney’s MSYPs.
He said: “During their term in office, Orkney’s current MSYP’s Jack Norquoy and Thorfinn Moffat have done an excellent job of representing their peers at the Scottish Youth Parliament whilst at a local level they have been the driving force behind establishing an Orkney Youth Forum.”
The election will take place in March next year.
For more information on how to stand go to www.syp.org.uk/stand4syp or email ernie.skea@orkney.gov.uk.