Traffic Warden decision questioned

The decision by Police Scotland to withdraw funding from traffic warden services in Orkney was questioned in parliament yesterday by local MSP Liam McArthur.
Mr McArthur raised the issue with justice secretary, Kenny MacAskill who appeared unaware of the situation locally and the broader roles performed by the county’s traffic wardens, according to the Orkney MSP.
Speaking after the exchange at General Questions, Mr McArthur said: “The justice secretary appeared unaware of the wider roles performed by both Orkney’s traffic wardens. Indeed, he even insisted that the county had no more than one warden.
“I explained that as well as dealing with parking offences, Orkney’s traffic wardens carried out a series of functions at local events, including Stromness Shopping Week and the agricultural shows. When I pointed out that responsibility for this would pass to police officers, already under pressure due to the loss of other, key support staff. In response, Mr MacAskill seemed to deny this was the case.
“His lack of awareness about the situation in Orkney is a real concern, and suggests he does not fully understand the implications of the policy he is happy for Police Scotland to pursue.”