Three Orkney nominations for Scots Trad Music Awards

The Festival Club at Stromness Hotel.
The Wrigley Sisters with Stuart Shearer and Ian MacKay.
Tom O’Brien
Orkney Folk Festival, Kris Drever, and The Reel have all been shortlisted for the 2016 MG ALBA Scots Trad Music Awards.
Hailed by many as the most prestigious awards ceremony in the traditional music calendar, Hands Up for Trad will be handing out awards to the best talent in Scottish trad at a ceremony in December.
Orkney Folk Festival will be up against Glasgow’s Piping Live for the title of Event of the Year, while The Reel, Kirkwall has been nominated for Venue of the Year. Kris Drever will be vying for the title of Composer of the Year.
For the full story, see this week’s The Orcadian.