UK pubs, restaurants and cafes to shut, says PM

Hospitality businesses across the country, including pubs, restaurants and cafes are being told to shut as soon as possible, tonight, Friday, and not re-open tomorrow.
This is the latest in a package of measures being taken by the UK Government to slow the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus, as announced by Prime Minister Boris Johnson in a briefing to the nation, this evening.
Mr Johnson said that, though there has been a large reduction in people attending some pubs across the country, since Monday, it was becoming clear that in order to drive the curve of infection down, the government needs to enforce these closures.
At present, the time-scale for the closures — which had been agreed by the leaders of all for UK nations — was indefinite.
The Prime Minister advised that premises would be allowed to open on a takeaway-only basis.
This news was joined, however, by a further announcement from UK chancellor Rishi Sunak, outlining further plans to support businesses and employees across the country who are directly affected by the social distancing measures.
This, he said, would include up to 80 per cent of wages paid for those who lose their employment as a result, and non-interest loans for businesses.
Mr Sunak urged businesses, once more, to put their faith in these support packages and to not pre-emptively lay off their workforce.
“More than anytime in history we will be judged by our capacity for compassion,” he said.