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Union to ballot NorthLink members on strike action

Shipping union RMT  will shortly begin balloting for strike action on the Serco NorthLink Northern Isles ferry services.

According to the union, the company has reneged on previous commitments, ripped up normal consultation procedures and announced that it is to press on with a programme of cuts to jobs and services.Serco

Serco NorthLink announced last month that they intend to cut 36 jobs on their ferries. Staff were informed, in writing, that jobs are to go in the onboard hotel and catering department on board the ships.

The RMT balloting timetable will be concluded over three and a half weeks, with ballot papers going out in the first week of November and a result expected in early December, allowing any action to take place over the December/January period.

RMT general secretary Bob Crow said: “We have no option now but to ballot in the face of this deliberately provocative action and the threat to our members’ future livelihoods. We intend to conclude our ballot well in time for Christmas.”