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Views Wanted — OIC launch survey on Orkney’s paths

OIC are looking to hear from folk who use Orkney’s core paths, such as this one, adjacent to Kirkwall Bay.

Folk in Orkney are being asked to provide feedback on the county’s core paths network.

As is the case with all local authorities in Scotland, Orkney Islands Council have a duty to draw up a plan of the key paths in their area, after consulting with local communities, land managers and path users.

Feedback is being invited from tomorrow, Monday, July 10, following a review of the county’s paths network.

Orkney’s core paths plan, published in December 2008, identifies a framework of paths that provide local people and visitors with opportunities to enjoy and get around the countryside across the islands.

Orkney Islands Council has recently carried out this exercise and is about to publish an updated version of the plan in draft form on the OIC website.

Further information  — including maps showing the proposed changes  — will be available by following a link from the homepage here.

Paper copies can also be viewed at OIC Customer Services and the Orkney Library in Kirkwall, and the Warehouse Buildings in Stromness.

Emails can be sent to devplan@orkney.gov.uk phone 873535, extension 2541, or written feedback can be given to the Access Officer, Development and Marine Planning, Council Offices, Kirkwall KW15 1NY.

The deadline for feedback can be provided until Monday 28 August 2017.