Visiting ship creates interest at Hatston

(Picture: Craig Taylor)
The specialist offshore vessel AKOFS Seafarer had to be the most photographed vessel in Orkney over the weekend, when she tied up at Hatston Pier for a few days.
The sheer size of the ship created considerable interest over the weekend as the crew prepared to undertake work with the tidal turbine owned by Voith Hydro at the Falls of Warness, off Eday.
The 157 metre vessel was built in 2010 as the Skandi Aker and has a draft of 8.7 meters. The ship also is equipped with a 42m-tall derrick for use in subsea operations.
She spent the weekend berthed at Hatston Pier loading equipment to support the removal of the Voith tidal turbine, and sailed for the EMEC test site on Sunday afternoon.
Fully crewed, a total of 140 people can be accommodated on the vessel.