
Cruise Arrivals


West Mainland Day Centre relocating to Dounby

The West Mainland Day Centre service is due to be relocated to Smiddybrae House in Dounby later this year.

According to the OIC, users of the service, their families and carers, have been advised of the planned move its current base in Stenness.

Caroline Sinclair, chief officer for Orkney Health and Care, said: “In challenging financial conditions, this is a way we can make savings by reducing the number of buildings we use — but without the need to reduce the day centre service itself.

“Smiddybrae House was designed, from the outset, to host the day centre service for the West Mainland and it has a purpose built area where this will be provided.

“We want to keep any disruption for the people who use the service to the absolute minimum. The same care staff will continue to provide the day care at Smiddybrae, ensuring the continuation of the much-valued work they undertake.

“In the months ahead, we will also look at potential ways in which we can enhance the service.”

The relocation is due to take place in late spring or early summer.