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Westray horticultural project receives £16,800 grant

Plans to increase the availability of affordable, fresh and locally-grown produce in Westray, Orkney have moved a step forward with a Scottish Land Fund grant of £16,800.

The Westray Development Trust (WDT) is the first group in Orkney to receive a Scottish Land Fund award.

The trust will use the money to purchase a plot of land in Pierowall , which will become the site of a new sustainable community food growing initiative called Food Miles to Food Smiles.

Andy Makin, the trust’s operations manager, said they were delighted with the grant.

He said: “With further investment from Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Good Food Nation Fund, LEADER and our own community turbine funds, we will now be able to push the boundaries of fresh fruit and vegetable growing on the island.”

The project has also been awarded £45,995 from the Orkney LEADER programme.