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What do you say to council webcasting?

The OIC has launched a public survey on proposals to webcast council meetings.

Webcasting would involve the live broadcast on the internet of video and audio from meetings of the council, or its committees, allowing members of the public to view meetings online.

There could also be the facility for an online archive of recordings of meetings which would be available for viewing for up to a year.

The total cost of webcasting council meetings  has been estimated at £25,500 per year, plus one-off initial costs of £7,000.

OIC chief executive, Alistair Buchan, said: “The proposal to look at the introduction of webcasting is just one of the ways in which the council is demonstrating its commitment to openness and transparency.

“A broadcasting system would have the potential to help the democratic process locally and assist people to see how the council goes about its business and how its decisions are arrived at.

“However, such a system will have financial implications, so we need to establish if there is sufficient enthusiasm, or demand, to justify it.”

To access the survey, click here.