CalMac announces charter extension for mv Alfred

Transport Scotland and CalMac have agreed a six-month extension to the charter of mv Alfred, meaning the vessel will remain with the West Coast ferry operator until March 2025.
MV Alfred has primarily operated to and from Arran while on charter, sailing the Ardrossan/Troon — Brodick route.
The charter was announced in March 2023 and, following an extension, the lease was due to end on August 21.
She is timetabled to operate from Troon – Brodick until then. CalMac says that plans beyond then will be agreed in consultation with stakeholders in the next few weeks.
CalMac’s interim CEO, Duncan Mackison, said: “MV Alfred has proven to be an invaluable addition to our fleet during a particularly challenging period, and we are pleased this extension will see her remain in service until next year.
“The extension of her charter will add resilience to our service for the remainder of the summer period, and over the winter months when vessels enter overhaul for annual maintenance.
“During this extension period, we expect two new major vessels in mv Glen Sannox and mv Isle of Islay to enter service, putting us in a strong position to improve the lifeline services we provide to islands across our network.”
Cabinet secretary for transport, Fiona Hyslop, added: “I’m pleased CalMac have reached an agreement with Pentland Ferries on a further six-month extension of the charter for mv Alfred, helping to maintain resilience on the Clyde and Hebrides ferry network for the rest of the summer and into the winter months.
“The Scottish Government is committed to improving our lifeline ferry services and better meeting the needs of island communities, with six new vessels currently under construction set to join the fleet by 2026.”
MV Alfred was first chartered from Pentland Ferries in April 2023. Since joining CalMac, modifications have been carried out to her ramp to allow a wider variety of vehicles to travel onboard.