Fire concerns a top priority

Orkney MSP Liam McArthur met with the chairman of the Scottish Fire Board Pat Watters, and chief fire officer Alasdair Hay yesterday to discuss the controversial decision to close the fire control room in Inverness and concerns raised by unions recently about pressures on the retained fire service.
Commenting after the meeting, Mr McArthur said: “Like many people in Orkney, I remain deeply sceptical about the centralisation of fire and rescue services, including the closure of the control room in Inverness. Fears have quite rightly been raised about the loss of local knowledge and responsiveness.
“It was useful, therefore, to have the opportunity to sit down with Mr Watters and Mr Hay to discuss these concerns in more detail and to press them on the steps being taken to mitigate the impact on island communities, in particular.
“I welcome the commitment made that staff from the Dundee control room will visit Orkney as part of their training. Hopefully this will give them some feel for the geography and logistical challenges facing the service in the islands.
“In terms of the retained fire stations, which are so critical in Orkney, I was pleased to hear Mr Hay state that addressing concerns that have been raised will be a top priority. He set out the investment that will be made in training and recruiting, but also his belief that this also must be tailored to the needs and risks in the islands. A recognition that one size does not fit all was welcome.
“Centralising fire and rescue services, as with our police force, inevitably creates problems for more rural and outlying areas. However, Mr Hay and Mr Watters do appear to recognise the challenges they face in ensuring people in the islands continue to get a quality and responsive service.”