
Cruise Arrivals


Orkney College UHI showcases a year’s work

In addition to its annual art and design exhibition, this year Orkney College is showcasing work from right across the campus.

Everything from construction, music and business studies through to care, archaeology, hospitality and Nordic Studies – to name but a few – are displaying work this week.

Linda Russell explained: “The Orkney College Showcase is a chance to let anyone who is interested see the results of the wealth of activities that have been going on in the College over this past year.

“This is also a great opportunity for anyone who has never been to the College to visit – to come and see what a pleasant learning environment it is, and possibly think about studying here.

“Orkney College is a Community College so it’s important that the local community can come and see what we do,” concluded Linda.

The showcase is open at the college, every day from 9am-5pm, until Friday, June 14.